
The use of PRP in tendon injuries

G. Filardo, E. Kon, B. Di Matteo, A. Di Martino, M. Marcacci.

XXIV International Conference on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology – Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care. 2015, 242.

Early viscosupplementation after ACL reconstruction: a randomized controlled trial

E. Kon, G. Filardo, B. Di Matteo, F. Tentoni, M. Marcacci.

XXIV International Conference on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology – Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care. 2015, 425.

Platelet-rich plasma to stimulate cartilage healing, which product? A comparative in vitro study

C. Cavallo, G. Filardo, A. Roffi,  E. Kon, M. Marcacci, G. Desando, F. Sartoni, V. Canella, E. Mariani, A. Facchini

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2014, 22:S487.

In vitro effects of different platelet-rich plasma preparations on human synoviocyte response

A. Roffi,  E. Assirelli, G. Filardo, L. Pulsatelli, V. Canella, E. Mariani, E. Kon, M. Marcacci, A. Facchini.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2014, 22:S771.

PRP in patellar tendon pathology

E. Kon, G. Filardo, A. Di Martino, P. Pelotti, M. Lo Presti, G. Venieri, G. Tesei, F. Perdisa, B. Di Matteo, M. M. Marcacci.

XXII International Conference on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology – Football Medicine Strategies for Muscle & Tendon Injuries. 2013, 115-116.

Does Sex Matter? Analysis Of Results At 5 Years After Matrix-assisted Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation In A Large Cohort Of Patients

E. Kon, S. Patella, G. Filardo, A. Di Martino, F. Perdisa, B. Di Matteo, M.L. Merli, M. Marcacci.

Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine September 2013 vol. 1 no. 4 suppl 2325967113S00034.

Platelet-rich plasma intra-articular injections versus visco-supplementation as a treatment for early osteoarthritis: a randomized double blind study

E. Kon, G. Filardo, A. Di Martino, S. Patella, B. Di Matteo, F. Perdisa, M.L. Merli, M. Marcacci.

J Orthopaed Traumatol. 2013, 14 (Suppl 1):S47-S82.

Novel biomimetic scaffold: pilot clinical study at 5-year follow-up

E. Kon, S. Patella, G. Filardo, A. Di Martino, F. Perdisa, B. Di Matteo, M.L. Merli, M. Marcacci.

J Orthopaed Traumatol. 2013, 14 (Suppl 1):S83-S121.

Patient profiling in cartilage regeneration of the knee: mid-term results and prognostic factors

G. Filardo, E. Kon, S. Patella, A. Di Martino, F. Perdisa, M. Marcacci.

KSSTA 2012, Volume 20, Suppl 1: S81.

Meniscal regeneration by a new polyurethane scaffold. A 2-year minimum follow-up study

S. Zaffagnini, G. Marcheggiani Muccioli, E. Kon, G. Filardo, M. Busacca, M. Marcacci.

KSSTA 2012, Volume 20, Suppl 1: S19.

Pilot clinical study on a nanostructured synthetic biomimetic scaffold for the treatment of osteochondral defects: outcomes at 4 years

E. Kon, S. Patella, G. Filardo, A. Di Martino, S. Zaffagnini, M. Marcacci.

KSSTA 2012, Volume 20, Suppl 1: S61.

How to treat osteochondritis dissecans of the knee: surgical techniques and new trends

E. Kon, F. Vannini, R. Buda, G. Filardo, M. Marcacci, S. Giannini.

KSSTA 2012, Volume 20, Suppl 1: S259.

PRP injections versus viscosupplementation for early knee osteoarthritis: a randomized double-blind study

G. Filardo, E. Kon, A. Di Martino, S. Patella, B. Di Matteo, M. Marcacci.

KSSTA 2012, Volume 20, Suppl 1: S272.

Autologous chondrocyte transplantation: perspective study at 7-year minimum follow-up

E. Kon, S. Patella, G. Filardo, A. Di Martino, F. Perdisa, B. Di Matteo, L. D’Orazio, S. Zaffagnini, M. Marcacci

Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (2011), Volume 12, Supp 1: S76.

New nanostructured biomimetic scaffold for the treatment of osteochondral defects: pilot clinical study at 3-year follow-up

E. Kon, G. Filardo, A. Di Martino, S. Patella, M. Delcogliano, S. Zaffagnini, L. D’Orazio, B. Di Matteo, M. Marcacci

Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (2010), Volume 11, Supp 1: S68.

Platelet-rich plasma intra-articular injections versus viscosupplementation as a treatment for early osteoarthritis: a comparative study

E. Kon, G. Filardo, M. Delcogliano, R. Buda, A. Timoncini, A. Di Martino, S. Patella, S. Giannini, M. Marcacci, B. Mandelbaum

Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (2010), Volume 11, Supp 1: S24.

Patellofemoral Chondral Defects Treated with 2nd Generation ACI: A Clinical Review at 6 Years (SS-60)

A. Gobbi, M. Berruto, E. Kon, G. Filardo, M. Delcogliano, C. Montaperto, L. Boldrini, L. Bathan, M. Marcacci .

Arthroscopy, page e33 Volume 25, Issue 6, Supplement (June 2009): Abstract AANA 2009 S. Diego, USA, 30 aprile - 3 maggio 2009.

2nd Gen ACI Vs Microfracture in Knee Chondral Defect Treatment: Comparative study at 5 years (SS-61)

A. Gobbi, E. Kon, G. Filardo, M. Delcogliano, C. Montaperto, L. Boldrini, L. Bathan, M. Marcacci

Arthroscopy, 2 pages e33-e34 Volume 25, Issue 6, Supplement (June 2009): Abstract  AANA 2009 S. Diego, USA, 30 aprile - 3 maggio 2009.

Bioengineering of muscle-skeletal tissue: state of the art

Marcacci M, Kon E, Filardo G, Delcogliano M, Altadonna G, Zaffagnini S, Montaperto C.

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 62, Issue 8, International congress of Pisa, International congress of Pisa, October 2008, Page 494.

Novel Nano-composite biomaterial for osteochondral tissue engineering: pilot clinical study

Kon E Sr, M. Delcogliano Sr, G. Filardo Sr, S. Zaffagnini Sr, D. Pressato Sr, E. Arcangeli Jr, B. Parma Sr, M. Marcacci Sr.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Volume 16, Supplement 4, 2008 World Congress on Osteoarthritis held, September 2008, Page S120.

Prof.sa Elizaveta Kon

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02 82248225

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Humanitas Research Hospital

Humanitas è un ospedale ad alta specializzazione, centro di Ricerca e sede di insegnamento universitario. All’interno del policlinico si fondono centri specializzati per la cura dei tumori, delle malattie cardiovascolari, neurologiche ed ortopediche, oltre a un Centro Oculistico e a un Fertility Center.
